Digital Design

Fonte: Prof. Shawki Areibi (Course), School of Engineering , University of Guelph

Ementa do Curso (pdf)

Digital hardware plays a prominent role in many electrical and computer engineering products

This is principally due to the rapid increase in transistor densities and speed of integrated circuits and steep decline in their cost caused by the advance in micro-electronic implementation technologies.

This trend is likely to continue in the foreseeable future.

This course is an introductory course in digital logic design, which is a basic course in most electrical and computer engineering programs.

The main goals of the course are (1) to teach students the fundamental concepts in classical manual digital design and (2) to illustrate clearly the way in which digital circuits are designed today, using CAD tools.

Throughout the course basic concepts are introduced by way of example that involve simple circuit design.

The course will rst introduce digital and computer systems and information representation.

The course will then introduce the following topics: logic gates, boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, design hierarchy, combinational circuit analysis and design, sequential circuit concepts and design, random access memory and programmable logic, algorithmic state machines (ASM) for controlling operations.

Introductions to the hardware description languages, VHDL and Verilog, are provided with the expectation that at most one of the languages will be covered.


  1. Introduction to Digital Design
  2. Combinational Logic Circuits & Design
  3. Combinational Logic Design Examples
  4. Sequential Circuits
  5. Sequential Circuit Design Examples
  6. Registers and Counters
  7. Memory & Programmable Logic Design
  8. Register Transfers and Datapaths
  9. Arithmetic Circuits
  10. Algorithmic State Machines

  1. Resources for Week # 1
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Number Systems'' (PPT Slides)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Number Systems'' (PDF Slides, 1 Slide Per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Number Systems'' (PDF Slides, 2 Slides Per Page)
  5. Chap1 Figures From Mano
  1. Resources for Week # 2
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Combinational Logic Circuits'' Part A (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Combinational Logic Circuits'' Part A (PDF Slides, 2 Slide per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Combinational Logic Circuits'' Part B (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  5. Lecture Notes on ``Combinational Logic Circuits'' Part B (PDF Slides, 2 Slide per Page)
  6. Chap2 Figures from Mano

  1. Resources for Week # 3
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Combinational Logic Circuits'' Part C (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Combinational Logic Circuits'' Part C (PDF Slides, 2 Slides per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Combinational Logic Design'' Part A (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  5. Lecture Notes on ``Combinational Logic Design'' Part A (PDF Slides, 2 Slides per Page)
  6. Lecture Notes on ``Introduction to VHDL'' (PPT Slides)
  7. Lecture Notes on ``Introduction to VHDL'' (PDF Slides)
  8. Chap3 Figures From Mano

  1. Resources for Week #4
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Combinational Logic Design'' Part B (PPT Slides)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Combinational Logic Design'' Part B (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Combinational Logic Design'' Part B (PDF Slides, 2 Slide per Page)
  5. Chap3 Figures From Mano

  1. Resources for Week #5
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Arithmetic Circuits'' (PPT Slides)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Arithmetic Circuits'' (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Arithmetic Circuits'' (PDF Slides, 2 Slide per Page)
  5. Chap3 Figures From Mano
  1. Resources for Week #6
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Sequential Circuits'' Part A (PPT Slides)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Sequential Circuits'' Part A (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Sequential Circuits'' Part A (PDF Slides, 2 Slides per Page)
  5. Figures From Mano (Sequential Circuits)

  1. Resources for Week #7
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Sequential Circuits'' Part B (PPT Slides)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Sequential Circuits'' Part B (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Sequential Circuits'' Part B (PDF Slides, 2 Slides per Page)
  5. Figures From Mano (Sequential Circuits)
  1. Resources for Week #8
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Registers/Counters'' (PPT Slides)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Registers/Counters'' (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Registers/Counters'' (PDF Slides, 2 Slides per Page)
  5. Figures From Mano (Registers & Counters)
  1. Resources for Week #9
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Register Transfer and Data Path'' (PPT Slides)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Register Transfer and Data Path'' (PDF Slides, 1 Slide Per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Register Transfer and Data Path'' (PDF Slides, 2 Slides Per Page)
  5. Figures From Mano (Register Transfer Operations)

  1. Resources for Week #10
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Control'' (PPT Slides)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Control'' (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Control'' (PDF Slides, 2 Slides per Page)
  5. Chap8 Figures From Mano
  1. Resources for Week #11
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Memory'' (PPT Slides)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Memory'' (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Memory'' (PDF Slides, 2 Slide per Page)
  5. Chap6 Figures From Mano
  1. Resources for Week #12
  2. Lecture Notes on ``Programmable Logic'' (PPT Slides)
  3. Lecture Notes on ``Programmable Logic'' (PDF Slides, 1 Slide per Page)
  4. Lecture Notes on ``Programmable Logic'' (PDF Slides, 2 Slides per Page)
  5. Review Lecture (PPT Slides)
  6. Figures From Mano (Programmable Logic)

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